The SEO approach offers multiple benefits. Implementing such a strategy optimizes the quality of a merchant's sales pages. As a result, investing in SEO allows you tosave money and be productive at the same time. It also provides long-term visibility and obtain qualified leads. What's more, SEO offers a high conversion rate and good brand awareness. However, pages need to be well structured, starting with semantic tags. These have a significant impact on search engines. Discover the different steps to improve your SEO.
Defining a semantic tag in HTML5
An HTML5 semantic tag is a enhanced HTML tag which provides precise information on the content of a web page. To this end, it makes it much easier forsearch engine indexing. It also guides the browser to ensure a user-friendly presentation for readers.
The role of HTML5 semantic tags in search engine optimization
HTML tags give a visual presentation to a web page, indicating its structure to browsers. However, unlike HTML5 semantic tags, they don't provide any details about the page's content. In fact, these tags give meaning to content, making it easier for search engines to understand. Moreover, their use influences natural referencing and indexing by structuring the latter. What's more, they promote a better user experience thanks to a smooth playback.
The SEO benefits of HTML5 semantic markup
HTML5 semantic tags are an essential asset for SEO. First of all, they allow search engines to quickly understand the subject and structure. This promotes indexing and improved page positioning. What's more, they facilitate code maintenance. As a result, developers can easily modify them even after weeks or months. All they have to do is modify the CSS while targeting the tag.
Comparing HTML and HTML5 markup
HTML5 semantic tags differ from traditional tags in a number of ways. First of all, HTML5 semantic tags offer new features such as multimedia support. Unlike older tags, HTML5 tags natively integrate image formats, including vector graphics. What's more, their use is broader, allowing users to draw a variety of shapes. In addition to a short document declaration, HTML5 tags optimize syntax rules for greater compatibility.
The different types of semantic tags you need
In HTML code, semantic tags are written with an opening tag and a closed tag containing a slash . As for content, it is inserted in the middle of the two tags in this way: content.
The tag
The tag defines content header which includes the company logo and the site's main navigation. It transmits repetitive information from each page to the indexing robots. However, this tag is unique in HTML code. In other words, one tag can't contain another on a page. Here's how it's coded in HTML5:
<h1>... </h1>
<img src=" »image »" alt=" "The" logo du site »>
<li><ahref= »#Accueil »>Home</a></li>
<li><ahref= »#Apropos »>About us</a></li>
<li><ahref= »#Contact »>Contact</a></li>
The tag
The tag designates the main content of the web page. It's essential to note that this element forms the basis for coding a site's content. It also groups together the and tags. Thus, the tag tells search engines the text of the content. In other words, it can be a blog post, a forum massage or a product sheet.
In general, it groups together the title, publication details, category, content and linked articles. As for the tag, it designates the more defined structuring of the latter. It should also be noted that this tag can contain several . Here's how to write it:
<p>... </p>
<p>... </p>
The tag is written as :
<p>...<time datetime=" »… »">...</time> ...</p>
<p><ahref= »lien du site »> ...</a></p>
<p>... </p>
<img src=" »" image »>
<p>... </p>
The Hn tag
Hn markup fills in content titles of the page, while also being crucial for search engines. It improves readability for these browsers. In addition, it contains main and secondary keywords to provide key information on the subject. These title tags are classified into 6 levels.
The <h1> indicates the main, most important title of the page or article. The <h2> tags subheadings and segments text into distinct paragraphs. Subparagraphs can be created using the <h3> and <h4> tags for an extra level of detail. The tags <h5> and <h6> also exist, but are rarely used to go into even greater detail.
It's essential to have just one <h1> tags per page, while the number of <h2>, <h3>, <h4> can be higher. The aim is to structure the content in a coherent and fluid way.
description tags
tags are used to create structured description lists. Unlike the classic
lists, these tags can be used to present detailed definitions, ideal for explaining complex terms or creating a glossary on a website.
Apple tree
and tags
tag indicates a content citation and the tag designates its name and source. It's important to note that it's inserted inside the
tag. Here's how to code them in HTML :
<p>... </p>
The tag highlights code extracts tag, enabling search engines to recognize them. The
tag displays pre-formatted text, preserving the structure of the original code. These tags indicate to indexing robots the specific nature of the content.
Other important semantic tags for SEO
HTML meta tags do reference to title, author, keywords and content description. These tags are essential for search engines to index your site and content. For example, the
tag describes the purpose of the page and is crucial for indexing. The meta-description tag, meanwhile, offers a detailed description of the page and encourages clicks from search results.
Beacons <p></p> tags indicate self-contained paragraphs, while the <a></a> designate hyperlinks between pages. Beaconing <em></em> highlights text and tags <strong></strong> emphasize the latter.
The tag
tag your company address. It is located in the footer or on the contact page. In short, this tag simply frames the address elements for appropriate formatting. In HTML5, it is written: your address.
The tag
This tag displays time data, such as the date of publication of an article or future event. It includes a datetime attribute numerically, while the format displayed to the user can vary between and tags. Here's a typical usage example: Thursday, August 10 at 12:30.
The tag
The tag is generally used within the tag. It provides a brief description, caption or titlee to an element.
Strategy for implementing semantic tags in HTML5
There are two ways to implement semantic markup in HTML5. Using Google's HTML markup tool, which requires no manipulation of source code. This method involves several simple steps.
First, select the type of data to be structured in Google's HTML markup tool. The next step, enter the URL of the page or copy and paste the article's HTML code. Add the new tags by clicking on the "Name" for display title in tab "My data elements". Create HTML code with highlighted tags in yellow by clicking on "Create HTML". Finally, click on insert tags into source code of the page via the back-office.
Alternatively, you can install plugins such as Yoast SEO or Schema Pro to integrate these semantic tags. After downloading the plugin, simply fill in the fields with the appropriate values and click on "insert". The HTML5 tags will be automatically added to your page's source code.
The semantic structure of HTML5 code for good SEO ranking
Although there are many different combinations of HTML5 tags, there is a precise organization that you need to follow to optimize your SEO. Here's the right structure to improve your SEO:
<html lang= »fr »>
<metacharset= »utf-8’ />
<li><ahref= »#Accueil »>Home</a></li>
<li><ahref= »#Apropos »>About us</a></li>
<li><ahref= »#Contact »>Contact</a></li>
HTML5 markup best practices to improve SEO
First, use the CSS style for formatting. Although browsers apply styles to these tags, they should not be used to format text. For example, don't use title tags simply to change font size. Instead, use them in a semantic manner. Similarly, don't use <blockquote> for indentation, or <strong> or <em> to bold or italicize for no reason.
Organize titles in a coherent hierarchy. For example, subtitles <h3 > must follow the <h2> appropriate. This structure creates a logical hierarchy in your content, making it easier for readers and search engines to understand. You can use Semrush's site audit tool to detect problems with titles <h1> and other SEO errors. Note that this hierarchical approach also applies to all other HTML semantic tags.
We recommend make reasonable use of title tags so as not to compromise page legibility and comprehension. In addition, it is strongly recommended to avoid titles that are too long, or abused for formatting purposes. Finally, inappropriate combinations with other tags and visually inconsistent title sizes are not recommended.