HTML5 semantic tags to improve your SEO

SERPmantics, the powerful, easy-to-understand and affordable SEO semantic analysis tool!

On which keywords would you like to improve your SEO position?

The SEO approach offers multiple benefits. Implementing such a strategy optimizes the quality of a merchant's sales pages. As a result, investing in SEO allows you tosave money and be productive at the same time. It also provides long-term visibility and obtain qualified leads. What's more, SEO offers a high conversion rate and good brand awareness. However, pages need to be well structured, starting with semantic tags. These have a significant impact on search engines. Discover the different steps to improve your SEO.

Defining a semantic tag in HTML5

An HTML5 semantic tag is a enhanced HTML tag which provides precise information on the content of a web page. To this end, it makes it much easier forsearch engine indexing. It also guides the browser to ensure a user-friendly presentation for readers. 

The role of HTML5 semantic tags in search engine optimization

HTML tags give a visual presentation to a web page, indicating its structure to browsers. However, unlike HTML5 semantic tags, they don't provide any details about the page's content. In fact, these tags give meaning to content, making it easier for search engines to understand. Moreover, their use influences natural referencing and indexing by structuring the latter. What's more, they promote a better user experience thanks to a smooth playback

The SEO benefits of HTML5 semantic markup

HTML5 semantic tags are an essential asset for SEO. First of all, they allow search engines to quickly understand the subject and structure. This promotes indexing and improved page positioning. What's more, they facilitate code maintenance. As a result, developers can easily modify them even after weeks or months. All they have to do is modify the CSS while targeting the


Comparing HTML and HTML5 markup

HTML5 semantic tags differ from traditional tags in a number of ways. First of all, HTML5 semantic tags offer new features such as multimedia support. Unlike older tags, HTML5 tags natively integrate image formats, including vector graphics. What's more, their use is broader, allowing users to draw a variety of shapes. In addition to a short document declaration, HTML5 tags optimize syntax rules for greater compatibility.

The different types of semantic tags you need

In HTML code, semantic tags are written with an opening tag and a closed tag containing a slash . As for content, it is inserted in the middle of the two tags in this way:




tag defines content header which includes the company logo and the site's main navigation. It transmits repetitive information from each page to the indexing robots. However, this tag is unique in HTML code. In other words, one
tag can't contain another on a page. Here's how it's coded in HTML5: 

  <h1>... </h1>

  <img src=" »image »" alt=" &quot;The" logo du site »>

